Demographics API
Connex Country Codes
NOTE: These Demographics Country Codes listed here CANNOT be used with the Travel Notifications API. For more information, please see the Technical Notes under the Travel Notifications API.
For the parameter countryCode:
- under the endpoints - /connex/card/memebr.get & /connex/card/memebr PUT - for the Cardholder Maintenance API.
- under the endpoints - /connex/demographics-address & /connex/demographics-address.get - for the Demographics API.
- under the endpoints - /connex/card.get & /connex/card - for the Plastics Management API.
Host Value | Description |
004 | Afghanistan |
008 | Albania |
012 | Algeria |
020 | Andorra |
024 | Angola |
028 | Antigua and Barbuda |
032 | Argentina |
051 | Armenia |
036 | Australia |
040 | Austria |
031 | Azerbaijan |
044 | Bahamas |
048 | Bahrain |
050 | Bangladesh |
052 | Barbados |
112 | Belarus |
056 | Belgium |
084 | Belize |
204 | Benin |
064 | Bhutan |
068 | Bolivia |
070 | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
072 | Botswana |
076 | Brazil |
096 | Brunei Darussalam |
100 | Bulgaria |
854 | Burkina Faso |
108 | Burundi |
132 | Cabo Verde |
116 | Cambodia |
124 | Canada |
140 | Central African Republic |
148 | Chad |
152 | Chile |
156 | China |
170 | Colombia |
174 | Comoros |
178 | Congo |
188 | Costa Rica |
384 | Cote dIvoire |
191 | Croatia |
192 | Cuba |
196 | Cyprus |
203 | Czechia |
180 | Democratic Republic of the Congo |
208 | Denmark |
262 | Djibouti |
212 | Dominica |
214 | Dominican Republic |
218 | Ecuador |
818 | Egypt |
222 | El Salvador |
226 | Equatorial Guinea |
232 | Eritrea |
233 | Estonia |
748 | Eswatini |
231 | Ethiopia |
242 | Fiji |
246 | Finland |
250 | France |
266 | Gabon |
270 | Georgia |
276 | Germany |
288 | Ghana |
300 | Greece |
308 | Grenada |
320 | Guatemala |
324 | Guinea |
624 | Guinea-Bissau |
328 | Guyana |
332 | Haiti |
336 | Holy See |
340 | Honduras |
348 | Hungary |
352 | Iceland |
356 | India |
360 | Indonesia |
364 | Iran |
368 | Iraq |
372 | Ireland |
376 | Israel |
380 | Italy |
388 | Jamaica |
392 | Japan |
400 | Jordan |
398 | Kazakhstan |
404 | Kenya |
296 | Kiribati |
414 | Kuwait |
417 | Kyrgyzstan |
418 | Lao Peoples Democratic Republic |
428 | Latvia |
422 | Lebanon |
426 | Lesotho |
430 | Liberia |
434 | Libya |
438 | Liechtenstein |
440 | Lithuania |
442 | Luxembourg |
450 | Madagascar |
454 | Malawi |
458 | Malaysia |
462 | Maldives |
466 | Mali |
470 | Malta |
584 | Marshall Islands |
478 | Mauritania |
480 | Mauritius |
484 | Mexico |
583 | Micronesia |
498 | Moldova |
492 | Monaco |
496 | Mongolia |
499 | Montenegro |
504 | Morocco |
508 | Mozambique |
104 | Myanmar |
516 | Namibia |
520 | Nauru |
524 | Nepal |
528 | Netherlands |
554 | New Zealand |
558 | Nicaragua |
562 | Niger |
566 | Nigeria |
408 | North Korea |
807 | North Macedonia |
578 | Norway |
512 | Oman |
586 | Pakistan |
585 | Palau |
591 | Panama |
598 | Papua New Guinea |
600 | Paraguay |
604 | Peru |
608 | Philippines |
616 | Poland |
620 | Portugal |
634 | Qatar |
642 | Romania |
643 | Russian Federation |
646 | Rwanda |
659 | Saint Kitts and Nevis |
662 | Saint Lucia |
670 | Saint Vincent and the Grena |
882 | Samoa |
674 | San Marino |
678 | Sao Tome and Principe |
682 | Saudi Arabia |
686 | Senegal |
688 | Serbia |
690 | Seychelles |
694 | Sierra Leone |
702 | Singapore |
703 | Slovakia |
705 | Slovenia |
090 | Solomon Islands |
706 | Somalia |
710 | South Africa |
410 | South Korea |
728 | South Sudan |
724 | Spain |
144 | Sri Lanka |
729 | Sudan |
740 | Suriname |
752 | Sweden |
756 | Switzerland |
760 | Syrian Arab Republic |
762 | Tajikistan |
834 | Tanzania |
764 | Thailand |
626 | Timor-Leste |
768 | Togo |
776 | Tonga |
780 | Trinidad and Tobago |
788 | Tunisia |
792 | Turkey |
795 | Turkmenistan |
798 | Tuvalu |
800 | Ukraine |
784 | United Arab Emirates |
826 | United Kingdom |
840 | United States of America |
858 | Uruguay |
860 | Uzbekistan |
548 | Vanuatu |
862 | Venezuela |
704 | Viet Nam |
887 | Yemen |
894 | Zambia |
716 | Zimbabwe |